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Loan Checklist
Refinance Transactions
- Copy of payment coupon for your current mortgage.
- Photo ID for all borrowers (driver’s license).
- Tax Returns for previous 2 years – all schedules.
- W/2 forms for all jobs, and all borrowers, for the past 2 years.
- 2 most recent paystubs (30 days of activity) for all borrowers.
- Bank statements covering 30 days of activity.
- Name of insurance company, agent, policy number and phone number.
- Name and phone number of the person who can verify employment at your place of employment.
- Name and phone number of title company if you have a specific title company to close your loan.
Purchase Transactions
- Copy of executed sales contract.
- Copy of payment stub for your current mortgage.
- Photo ID for all borrowers (driver’s license).
- Tax Returns for previous 2 years – all schedules.
- W/2 forms for all jobs, and all borrowers, for the past 2 years.
- 2 most recent paystubs (30 days of activity) for all borrowers.
- All Bank statements needed to show the funds necessary to close. 30 days of activity on each account.
- Name of the insurance company and insurance agent you will be using for home owners insurance.
- Name and phone number of the person who can verify employment at your place of employment.
- Name and phone number of title company if you have a title company to close your loan.
- Copy of your earnest money deposit check given to Realtor. We’ll need proof it it clearing your account.
- Name, phone number and email address of your Realtor(s).
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